
Library Lady

Yahoo! Avatars U.K. & Ireland

Friday, November 12, 2010

Yesterday I received a table that was donated from Target. Two of my students asked if they could put it together for me. Because I have had students assemble things before, much more challenging than this simple table, I said yes. Well I should have known something was wrong from the following clues: screws left over, they left to go and get glue in the middle of assembly, they left to go and get tools to enlarge the holes, and they told me the table could not be moved. They put the assembled table tightly between two other tables and left. Since this was not where I wanted the table to be, I moved it. The table fell completely apart and hit me on the leg as I was attempting to move it. Later, when I saw the two, I told them what happened. They said, "We told you not to move it".


Claire's Oliver said...

screws left over is ALWAYS a big clue that things aren't right! Usually when I get furniture that needs some assembly I have lots of screws left over...

JRhodes said...

Wow! I hope you were not hurt bad. Students just trying to help, good for them. You not observing the hints, bad for you. Loved the story.